A List To Help You Create & Curate Your Home

“The principal elements of interior design are the rules and guidelines that designers follow to create functional, aesthetically pleasing spaces. Let color, form, space, texture, pattern, line, and light be your guide through the world of interior design.” I have often heard these sentences said in interior design classes. The elements of interior design do include these seven terms. There is no order of importance in these elements except for someone’s opinion. Therefore I have listed them randomly. The goal here is to define these elements in order to recognize them as you create and curate your home.
** Please note – Each of these elements are things to think about but not dwell on. They are here to guide us, not laws.
Defining the Elements of Interior Design
Let us define each element of interior design in simple terms. Each of these elements can create a deep dive into theory. For today, I want to introduce you to these ideas to get you thinking about them. We will dive deep into these elements as we go through this series and in other blogs, classes and the design course.
The List of Elements
- Color: Technically, color is a quality of an object which is caused due to the light being reflected or emitted by this object. Color is further defined by the measurement of its properties such as hue, saturation, chromaticity, and value.
- Form: Refers to the shape in general. As in the shape of the room, the piece of furniture, decor, lighting, etc. Often described as geometric (as in lines and shapes) or natural (is in the flow/fluid of nature). There is a whole debate on form over function or function over form. We’ll leave that for another time.
- Space: The area in which to work in a room or structure. Often measured with dimensions. Often you will hear in design terms as positive and negative space. Again, we’ll talk about at a different time.
- Texture: The two types are visual and physical. Visually, the surface of granite is glossy while the feel is smooth as a honed countertop. Or see the course surface and rough feel left on a granite landscape stone.
- Pattern: Defined as any repetitive decorative element. This could be in fabric, a painting or furniture placement.
- Line: Technically it is what connects any two points. A few to mention are straight, diagonal, or curved. Line is often called the heart of form because it helps define the general shape.
- Light: Sets the mood. It can be natural or man-made. Often a combination of the two is required to create balance.

Thoughts on the Elements of Interior Design
Here are a few thoughts on using these elements together. First I want you to know color can be used with any of the other elements to create mood, meaning and uniformity in a space. Secondly, when needing a room boost by adding texture, color and pattern is a quick easy way to enliven a space without major remodeling.
These are elements to consider when planning your project. Then revisit them during the construction and implementation phase of your project. As you bring things into the space if something feels off or not right, then one of these elements may be dominating or missing. I find these elements will evolve as you use your space and as the needs of your home change. That is the beauty of creating and curating a home over a period of time
As I said in the beginning, the principal elements of interior design are guidelines that designers follow to create functional, aesthetically pleasing spaces. And again note, each of these elements are things to think about but not dwell on. They are here to guide us, not laws. We are creating our homes to fit our eye, life and love. So use these elements of interior design as ideas to play with as you curate your home. When looking for more guidance visit the beginning blogs in the Designing Your Home series – Dreaming of Home and Beginning Thoughts of Home.
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